<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <!-- <!DOCTYPE Movie SYSTEM "dtd/RVML.dtd"> --> <Movie version='6' sizeShape="TestShape" rate='12' backgroundColor='white' compressed='Yes' xmlns="http://www.kineticfusion.org/RVML/2.0"> <Title> ImageFill Examples </Title> <Desc> Illustrates how raster images can be used as fills in Shape symbols. The top-left fill is the standard fill type where the image is larger than the fill area and is truncated. The image in the top-right fill is scaled to 20% of original size and clipped. All colors on the image border are duplicated to the edge of the fill area. The bottom-left image is rotated by 90 degrees clockwise. The bottom-right image is scaled to 20% of original size and tiles the complete fill area. </Desc> <Repository repositoryType='File' repositoryBase='/temp' repositoryName='exampleResources'> <Image id='exportImage' imageType='JPEG2' resourceType='External' resourceLocation='LargeBoxImage.jpg' /> </Repository> <Definitions > <Shape id="TestShape" bounds="auto"> <FillStyles> <ImageFill index="1" clipped="No" imageName="exportImage" /> <ImageFill index="2" clipped="Yes" imageName="exportImage" > <Transform scaleX="0.2" scaleY="0.2" translateX="400"/> </ImageFill> <ImageFill index="3" clipped="Yes" imageName="exportImage" > <Transform rotate="90" translateY="400" translateX="400"/> </ImageFill> <ImageFill index="4" clipped="No" imageName="exportImage" > <Transform scaleX="0.3" scaleY="0.3" translateX="400" translateY="400"/> </ImageFill> </FillStyles> <LineStyles> <LineStyle width="1" color="black"/> </LineStyles> <Edges> <SetStyle mainFill="1" line="1"/> <Rect x="0" y="0" width="200" height="200"/> <SetStyle mainFill="2" /> <Rect x="400" y="0" width="200" height="200"/> <SetStyle mainFill="3" /> <Rect x="0" y="400" width="200" height="200"/> <SetStyle mainFill="4" /> <Rect x="400" y="400" width="200" height="200"/> </Edges> </Shape> <Shape id="RShape" bounds="auto"> <FillStyles> <ImageFill index="1" clipped="Yes" imageName="exportImage" > <Transform rotate="90" scaleX="0.2" scaleY="0.2"/> </ImageFill> </FillStyles> <LineStyles> <LineStyle width="1" color="black"/> </LineStyles> <Edges> <SetStyle mainFill="1" line="1"/> <Rect x="-300" y="-300" width="600" height="600"/> </Edges> </Shape> </Definitions> <Timeline> <Frame> <Place name="TestShape" depth="1"/> </Frame> </Timeline> </Movie>