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<Movie version='6' width='550' height='400' rate='12' backgroundColor='white' compressed='Yes'
        Clipping and Text Clipping Example
        Illustrates how text segments can be use as a clipping mask on a timeline. In this example
        a polygon with a radial gradient is clipped by a text segment.
    <Repository repositoryType='File' repositoryBase='/temp' repositoryName='exampleResources'>
        <Font id='Arial' fontName='Arial' codeClass='Latin' resourceLocation='Arial.swf' fontRange='defined' />
        <EditField id='clipEdit' bounds='bounds(0,0,0,0)' fieldName='' fontID='Arial' fontSize='30.0' alignment='left' charLimit='0' color='black' properties='(systemFont, autoSize)'>
            <InitialText>Clip Text</InitialText>

       <Text id='clipText' bounds='auto'>
            <Segment text='This is a some text' fontID='Arial' fontSize='8.0' y='21.0' color='white' advances='auto' />
            <Segment text='set up as a clipping symbol'  x='0.0' y='32.0' advances='auto' />
            <Segment text='over the gradient on the right.'      x='0.0' y='43.0' advances='auto' />
        <!-- Polygon test shape -->
        <Shape id="Polygon" bounds="auto">
                <RadialGradient index='1' cx='75' cy='75' rx='75' ry='75' rotate='0'>
                    <Stop offset='0' color='black' />
                    <Stop offset='10' color='green' />
                    <Stop offset='10' color='yellow' />
                    <Stop offset='30' color='purple' />
                    <Stop offset='30' color='red' />
                    <Stop offset='72' color='black' />
                    <Stop offset='100' color='white' />
                <LineStyle index="1" width="1" color="red" />
                <SetStyle line="1" mainFill="1"/>
                <!-- A small hexagonal thing -->
                <Polygon points="100,0 150,50, 150,100 100,150 50,150 0, 100 0,50 50, 0" />
        <!-- Clipping test shape -->
        <Shape id="Circle" bounds="auto">
                <ColorFill index="1"  color="blue" />
                <LineStyle index="1" width="1" color="yellow" />
                <SetStyle line="1" mainFill="1"/>
                <Circle cx="100" cy="100" r="100" />

        <Frame frameNo='1'>
            <Place name='Circle' depth='1' clipDepth="3">
            <!-- These 2 will be clipped -->
            <Place name='Polygon' depth='2'>
                <!-- Position at (100, 100) -->
                <Transform translateX='100' translateY='100' />
            <Place name='Polygon' depth='3'>
                <!-- Position at (300, 100)  and totally masked out-->
                <Transform translateX='300' translateY='100' />
            <Place name='clipText' depth='4' clipDepth="5">
                <Transform translateX='300' translateY='100' />
            <Place name='Polygon' depth='5'>
                <Transform scaleX="2" scaleY="2" translateX='200' translateY='0' />