<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- <!DOCTYPE Movie SYSTEM "dtd/RVML.dtd"> -->
<Movie version='6' width='600' height='450' rate='12' backgroundColor='white' compressed='Yes'
        User-Defined Font Example
        Illustrates how to create a user-defined font definition. This example creates a font and
        uses it to define a static text field and a dynamic input field.
        <FontDefinition id='AlexFont' fontName='AlexFont' fontRange='all'>
                <!-- Definition of glyphs - those with an inner boundary had to have
                    their directions reversed-->
                <Glyph code='32' char=' ' advance='18.25' bounds='bounds(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)' />
                <Glyph code='48' char='0' advance='28.1' bounds='bounds(4.0, -34.3, 24.1, 0.0)'>
                    <Move x='4.0' y='-21.1' />
                    <Curve x='14.2' y='-30.7' cx='7.3' cy='-27.8' />
                    <Line x='16.0' y='-31.1' />
                    <Curve x='23.0' y='-23.1' cx='23.4' cy='-31.5' />
                    <Line x='24.0' y='-23.1' />
                    <Curve x='15.6' y='-1.6' cx='24.1' cy='-8.0' />
                    <Line x='14.0' y='-1.1' />
                    <Curve x='5.1' y='-4.8' cx='6.9' cy='0.0' />
                    <Line x='4.0' y='-5.1' />
                    <Line x='4.0' y='-19.1' />
                    <Line x='4.0' y='-21.1' />
                    <!--  Inner boundary is also clockwise so will get filled - redraw as ccw
                    <Move x='8.0' y='-19.1' />
                    <Curve x='15.1' y='-5.3' cx='21.8' cy='-34.3' />
                    <Line x='14.0' y='-5.1' />
                    <Curve x='7.8' y='-17.1' cx='5.6' cy='-5.7' />
                    <Line x='8.0' y='-19.1' />
                    <Move x='8.0' y='-19.1' />
                    <Line x='7.8' y='-17.1' />
                    <Curve x='14.0' y='-5.1' cx='5.6' cy='-5.7' />
                    <Line x='15.1' y='-5.3' />
                    <Curve x='8.0' y='-19.1' cx='21.8' cy='-34.3' />
                <Glyph code='49' char='1' advance='30.7' bounds='bounds(10.5, -28.5, 20.2, -3.5)'>
                    <Move x='10.5' y='-4.5' />
                    <Curve x='15.5' y='-28.4' cx='14.7' cy='-14.3' />
                    <Line x='16.5' y='-28.5' />
                    <Curve x='10.5' y='-3.5' cx='20.2' cy='-3.9' />
                    <Line x='10.5' y='-4.5' />
                <Glyph code='50' char='2' advance='29.3' bounds='bounds(4.0, -33.8, 25.3, -0.2)'>
                    <Move x='24.0' y='-24.8' />
                    <Curve x='15.0' y='-2.8' cx='20.4' cy='-12.4' />
                    <Line x='16.0' y='-2.8' />
                    <Curve x='4.1' y='-1.8' cx='25.3' cy='-0.2' />
                    <Line x='4.0' y='-2.8' />
                    <Curve x='19.7' y='-22.9' cx='15.9' cy='-8.9' />
                    <Line x='20.0' y='-24.8' />
                    <Curve x='9.0' y='-28.8' cx='12.0' cy='-27.2' />
                    <Line x='10.0' y='-28.8' />
                    <Curve x='23.5' y='-26.4' cx='18.1' cy='-33.8' />
                    <Line x='24.0' y='-24.8' />
                <Glyph code='51' char='3' advance='29.1' bounds='bounds(5.0, -33.8, 24.1, 2.4)'>
                    <Move x='5.0' y='-5.0' />
                    <Curve x='14.3' y='-16.6' cx='23.9' cy='-1.0' />
                    <Line x='13.0' y='-17.0' />
                    <Curve x='13.0' y='-27.0' cx='24.1' cy='-26.8' />
                    <Line x='11.0' y='-27.0' />
                    <Curve x='22.6' y='-28.2' cx='10.7' cy='-33.8' />
                    <Line x='23.0' y='-27.0' />
                    <Curve x='22.6' y='-8.8' cx='18.2' cy='-17.6' />
                    <Line x='23.0' y='-7.0' />
                    <Curve x='5.4' y='-3.8' cx='16.4' cy='2.4' />
                    <Line x='5.0' y='-5.0' />
                <Glyph code='52' char='4' advance='28.0' bounds='bounds(4.0, -32.5, 24.0, 0.5)'>
                    <Move x='24.0' y='-32.5' />
                    <Curve x='23.0' y='-12.5' cx='23.0' cy='-22.5' />
                    <Line x='24.0' y='-12.5' />
                    <Curve x='16.0' y='0.5' cx='20.8' cy='-4.7' />
                    <Line x='16.0' y='-0.5' />
                    <Curve x='4.0' y='-11.5' cx='18.6' cy='-14.1' />
                    <Line x='4.0' y='-12.5' />
                    <Line x='22.6' y='-32.0' />
                    <Curve x='24.0' y='-32.5' cx='23.0' cy='-32.5' />
                    <Move x='19.6' y='-20.3' />
                    <Line x='20.0' y='-18.5' />
                    <Curve x='10.2' y='-13.5' cx='18.9' cy='-11.6' />
                    <Line x='10.0' y='-14.5' />
                    <Curve x='19.6' y='-20.3' cx='16.9' cy='-25.2' />
                    <Move x='19.6' y='-20.3' />
                    <Curve x='10.0' y='-14.5' cx='16.9' cy='-25.2' />
                    <Line x='10.2' y='-13.5' />
                    <Curve x='20.0' y='-18.5' cx='18.9' cy='-11.6' />
                    <Line x='19.6' y='-20.3' />
                <Glyph code='53' char='5' advance='32.0' bounds='bounds(5.0, -30.7, 27.0, 2.9)'>
                    <Move x='22.6' y='-10.4' />
                    <Line x='23.0' y='-8.7' />
                    <Curve x='5.4' y='-3.5' cx='17.6' cy='2.9' />
                    <Line x='5.0' y='-4.7' />
                    <Curve x='12.4' y='-18.2' cx='25.5' cy='-3.1' />
                    <Curve x='11.0' y='-18.7' cx='12.0' cy='-18.7' />
                    <Curve x='19.1' y='-30.5' cx='7.4' cy='-27.4' />
                    <Line x='21.0' y='-30.7' />
                    <Curve x='15.3' y='-23.8' cx='27.0' cy='-28.1' />
                    <Curve x='15.0' y='-22.7' cx='15.0' cy='-23.7' />
                    <Line x='22.6' y='-10.4' />
                <Glyph code='54' char='6' advance='31.1' bounds='bounds(4.9, -31.0, 26.2, -0.9)'>
                    <Move x='9.0' y='-23.0' />
                    <Curve x='21.2' y='-30.6' cx='14.3' cy='-27.7' />
                    <Line x='23.0' y='-31.0' />
                    <Curve x='20.6' y='-18.3' cx='10.8' cy='-23.9' />
                    <Line x='21.0' y='-17.0' />
                    <Curve x='16.8' y='-1.4' cx='26.2' cy='-6.7' />
                    <Line x='15.0' y='-1.0' />
                    <Curve x='5.0' y='-11.0' cx='4.9' cy='-0.9' />
                    <Line x='5.0' y='-13.0' />
                    <Curve x='8.8' y='-21.0' cx='7.7' cy='-16.3' />
                    <Line x='9.0' y='-23.0' />
                    <Move x='11.0' y='-15.0' />
                    <Curve x='11.5' y='-13.6' cx='23.7' cy='-4.2' />
                    <Line x='11.0' y='-15.0' />
                    <Move x='11.0' y='-15.0' />
                    <Line x='11.5' y='-11.6' />
                    <Curve x='11.0' y='-15.0' cx='23.7' cy='-4.2' />
                <Glyph code='55' char='7' advance='28.0' bounds='bounds(7.0, -34.8, 21.0, -0.3)'>
                    <Move x='7.4' y='-28.1' />
                    <Line x='7.0' y='-29.3' />
                    <Curve x='21.0' y='-27.3' cx='20.9' cy='-34.8' />
                    <Line x='21.0' y='-25.3' />
                    <Curve x='9.0' y='-0.3' cx='13.4' cy='-13.9' />
                    <Line x='9.0' y='-1.3' />
                    <Curve x='7.4' y='-28.1' cx='18.2' cy='-22.2' />
                <Glyph code='56' char='8' advance='30.9' bounds='bounds(4.2, -31.2, 26.7, 4.3)'>
                    <Move x='4.7' y='-13.2' />
                    <Curve x='18.8' y='-30.9' cx='4.2' cy='-26.9' />
                    <Line x='20.7' y='-31.2' />
                    <Curve x='21.9' y='-19.6' cx='25.4' cy='-25.8' />
                    <Curve x='20.7' y='-19.2' cx='21.7' cy='-19.2' />
                    <Curve x='20.0' y='-3.7' cx='24.6' cy='-10.7' />
                    <Line x='18.7' y='-3.2' />
                    <Curve x='4.7' y='-11.2' cx='5.2' cy='4.3' />
                    <Line x='4.7' y='-13.2' />
                    <Move x='9.1' y='-12.0' />
                    <Curve x='8.7' y='-13.2' cx='8.7' cy='-12.2' />
                    <Curve x='9.1' y='-12.0' cx='25.1' cy='-2.8' />
                    <Move x='10.7' y='-25.2' />
                    <Curve x='10.8' y='-24.2' cx='26.7' cy='-21.9' />
                    <Line x='10.7' y='-25.2' />
                    <Move x='9.1' y='-12.0' />
                    <Curve x='8.7' y='-14.2' cx='25.1' cy='-2.8' />
                    <Curve x='9.1' y='-12.0' cx='8.7' cy='-12.2' />

                    <Move x='10.7' y='-25.2' />
                    <Line x='10.8' y='-22.2' />
                    <Curve x='10.7' y='-25.2' cx='26.7' cy='-21.9' />
                <Glyph code='57' char='9' advance='34.7' bounds='bounds(4.9, -32.2, 29.8, -1.8)'>
                    <Move x='20.7' y='-29.8' />
                    <Line x='20.9' y='-28.8' />
                    <Curve x='4.9' y='-1.8' cx='29.8' cy='-2.5' />
                    <Line x='4.9' y='-2.8' />
                    <Curve x='7.4' y='-17.5' cx='24.5' cy='-6.1' />
                    <Line x='6.9' y='-18.8' />
                    <Curve x='20.7' y='-29.8' cx='6.5' cy='-32.2' />
                    <Move x='11.1' y='-21.8' />
                    <Line x='10.9' y='-22.8' />
                    <Curve x='11.1' y='-21.8' cx='27.7' cy='-18.8' />
                    <Move x='11.1' y='-21.8' />
                    <Curve  x='10.9' y='-22.8'  cx='27.7' cy='-18.8' />
                    <Line x='11.1' y='-21.8'/>
                <Glyph code='65' char='A' advance='32.4' bounds='bounds(-0.2, -34.1, 32.3, -0.2)'>
                    <Move x='27.8' y='-30.2' />
                    <Curve x='27.4' y='-10.5' cx='28.7' cy='-19.3' />
                    <Curve x='24.9' y='-0.5' cx='26.6' cy='-5.1' />
                    <Line x='23.8' y='-0.2' />
                    <Curve x='20.9' y='-10.5' cx='26.1' cy='-7.6' />
                    <Curve x='15.8' y='-12.1' cx='18.9' cy='-11.6' />
                    <Line x='13.8' y='-12.2' />
                    <Line x='12.2' y='-10.5' />
                    <Curve x='-0.2' y='-3.2' cx='5.1' cy='-3.3' />
                    <Line x='-0.2' y='-4.2' />
                    <Line x='5.1' y='-10.5' />
                    <Curve x='10.9' y='-28.0' cx='12.7' cy='-20.7' />
                    <Line x='9.8' y='-28.2' />
                    <Curve x='25.8' y='-30.4' cx='9.1' cy='-34.1' />
                    <Line x='27.8' y='-30.2' />
                    <Move x='13.8' y='-20.2' />
                    <Curve x='13.8' y='-16.2' cx='32.3' cy='-27.8' />
                    <Line x='13.8' y='-20.2' />
                    <Line x='13.8' y='-16.2' />
                    <Curve x='13.8' y='-20.2' cx='32.3' cy='-25.8' />
                <Glyph code='66' char='B' advance='29.7' bounds='bounds(4.0, -32.3, 25.7, 0.6)'>
                    <Move x='23.7' y='-29.1' />
                    <Line x='24.0' y='-28.0' />
                    <Curve x='23.5' y='-11.6' cx='19.6' cy='-16.8' />
                    <Line x='24.0' y='-10.3' />
                    <Line x='24.0' y='-10.0' />
                    <Curve x='10.0' y='0.1' cx='22.6' cy='0.6' />
                    <Line x='8.0' y='0.0' />
                    <Line x='6.5' y='-10.3' />
                    <Line x='4.1' y='-30.0' />
                    <Line x='4.0' y='-32.0' />
                    <Curve x='23.7' y='-29.1' cx='14.1' cy='-32.3' />
                    <Move x='12.0' y='-26.0' />
                    <Curve x='12.2' y='-25.0' cx='25.7' cy='-22.0' />
                    <Line x='12.0' y='-26.0' />
                    <Move x='10.5' y='-12.6' />
                    <Line x='10.0' y='-14.0' />
                    <Line x='14.2' y='-10.3' />
                    <Curve x='13.4' y='-10.3' cx='21.5' cy='-3.8' />
                    <Line x='10.5' y='-12.6' />
                    <Move x='12.0' y='-26.0' />
                    <Line x='12.6' y='-23.0' />
                    <Curve x='12.0' y='-26.0' cx='25.7' cy='-22.0' />

                    <Move x='10.5' y='-12.6' />
                    <Line x='13.4' y='-10.3' />
                    <Curve x='14.2' y='-12.3' cx='21.5' cy='-3.8' />
                    <Line  x='10.0' y='-14.0' />
                    <Line x='10.5' y='-12.6' />
                <Glyph code='67' char='C' advance='32.2' bounds='bounds(1.2, -32.0, 31.0, 0.0)'>
                    <Move x='19.2' y='-32.0' />
                    <Curve x='25.6' y='-21.8' cx='30.1' cy='-29.9' />
                    <Line x='25.2' y='-20.0' />
                    <Curve x='20.2' y='-30.0' cx='18.2' cy='-21.3' />
                    <Line x='19.2' y='-30.0' />
                    <Curve x='3.3' y='-14.0' cx='4.1' cy='-29.1' />
                    <Line x='3.2' y='-12.0' />
                    <Line x='4.1' y='-10.3' />
                    <Curve x='11.5' y='-2.4' cx='6.8' cy='-5.3' />
                    <Line x='13.2' y='-2.0' />
                    <Curve x='11.2' y='-0.2' cx='31.0' cy='-3.6' />
                    <Line x='9.2' y='0.0' />
                    <Curve x='2.3' y='-5.7' cx='3.8' cy='-0.6' />
                    <Curve x='1.2' y='-6.0' cx='2.2' cy='-6.0' />
                    <Line x='1.2' y='-10.3' />
                    <Line x='1.2' y='-22.0' />
                    <Line x='1.2' y='-24.0' />
                    <Curve x='17.2' y='-31.9' cx='6.0' cy='-31.2' />
                    <Line x='19.2' y='-32.0' />
                <Glyph code='68' char='D' advance='28.3' bounds='bounds(1.0, -33.6, 27.3, 0.1)'>
                    <Move x='25.0' y='-29.9' />
                    <Curve x='27.0' y='-15.9' cx='27.3' cy='-24.2' />
                    <Line x='27.0' y='-13.9' />
                    <Line x='26.1' y='-10.2' />
                    <Curve x='15.2' y='-1.0' cx='23.4' cy='-3.0' />
                    <Line x='15.0' y='0.1' />
                    <Line x='1.1' y='-0.9' />
                    <Line x='1.0' y='-1.9' />
                    <Line x='3.0' y='-10.2' />
                    <Curve x='1.4' y='-30.1' cx='5.2' cy='-22.4' />
                    <Line x='1.0' y='-31.9' />
                    <Curve x='23.0' y='-30.1' cx='11.8' cy='-32.3' />
                    <Line x='25.0' y='-29.9' />
                    <Move x='6.8' y='-15.9' />
                    <Line x='7.0' y='-17.9' />
                    <Curve x='22.5' y='-23.4' cx='11.3' cy='-33.6' />
                    <Line x='23.0' y='-21.9' />
                    <Curve x='20.6' y='-10.2' cx='23.2' cy='-14.6' />
                    <Curve x='12.9' y='-4.2' cx='18.0' cy='-5.9' />
                    <Line x='11.0' y='-3.9' />
                    <Curve x='6.2' y='-10.2' cx='6.5' cy='-4.9' />
                    <Curve x='6.8' y='-15.9' cx='6.1' cy='-12.6' />
                    <Move x='6.8' y='-15.9' />
                    <Curve x='6.2' y='-10.2' cx='6.1' cy='-12.6' />
                    <Curve  x='11.0' y='-3.9' cx='6.5' cy='-4.9' />
                    <Line x='12.9' y='-4.2' />
                    <Curve  x='20.6' y='-10.2' cx='18.0' cy='-5.9' />
                    <Curve x='23.0' y='-21.9' cx='23.2' cy='-14.6' />
                    <Line x='22.5' y='-23.4' />
                    <Curve x='7.0' y='-17.9' cx='11.3' cy='-33.6' />
                    <Line x='6.8' y='-15.9' />
                <Glyph code='69' char='E' advance='21.4' bounds='bounds(2.6, -32.3, 25.8, 2.3)'>
                    <Move x='14.6' y='-32.3' />
                    <Curve x='10.8' y='-27.3' cx='25.8' cy='-29.9' />
                    <Line x='10.6' y='-26.3' />
                    <Curve x='10.6' y='-16.1' cx='17.2' cy='-14.7' />
                    <Line x='8.6' y='-16.3' />
                    <Line x='7.1' y='-10.6' />
                    <Curve x='16.6' y='-1.3' cx='5.8' cy='-1.0' />
                    <Line x='16.6' y='-0.3' />
                    <Curve x='2.9' y='-4.4' cx='5.0' cy='2.3' />
                    <Line x='2.6' y='-6.3' />
                    <Line x='3.0' y='-10.6' />
                    <Curve x='13.0' y='-31.8' cx='4.8' cy='-24.4' />
                    <Line x='14.6' y='-32.3' />
                <Glyph code='70' char='F' advance='24.9' bounds='bounds(5.6, -30.4, 28.8, 1.3)'>
                    <Move x='17.6' y='-30.4' />
                    <Curve x='13.8' y='-25.4' cx='28.8' cy='-28.0' />
                    <Line x='13.6' y='-24.4' />
                    <Curve x='15.6' y='-14.2' cx='18.2' cy='-13.6' />
                    <Line x='13.6' y='-14.4' />
                    <Line x='12.4' y='-8.7' />
                    <Curve x='6.1' y='-2.8' cx='9.7' cy='1.3' />
                    <Line x='5.6' y='-4.4' />
                    <Line x='6.0' y='-8.7' />
                    <Curve x='16.0' y='-29.9' cx='7.8' cy='-22.5' />
                    <Line x='17.6' y='-30.4' />
                <Glyph code='71' char='G' advance='31.5' bounds='bounds(0.8, -36.0, 30.7, 4.0)'>
                    <Move x='20.8' y='-36.0' />
                    <Curve x='25.3' y='-25.7' cx='30.7' cy='-34.0' />
                    <Line x='24.8' y='-24.0' />
                    <Curve x='17.9' y='-33.7' cx='20.1' cy='-26.1' />
                    <Line x='16.8' y='-34.0' />
                    <Curve x='5.9' y='-26.3' cx='7.9' cy='-33.9' />
                    <Curve x='4.8' y='-26.0' cx='5.8' cy='-26.0' />
                    <Curve x='4.8' y='-14.3' cx='3.5' cy='-18.9' />
                    <Curve x='10.4' y='-7.2' cx='6.1' cy='-9.3' />
                    <Curve x='10.8' y='-6.0' cx='10.8' cy='-7.0' />
                    <Curve x='23.5' y='-14.3' cx='21.5' cy='-5.4' />
                    <Line x='19.4' y='-16.5' />
                    <Line x='24.8' y='-16.0' />
                    <Line x='25.0' y='-14.3' />
                    <Curve x='22.1' y='-0.4' cx='25.5' cy='-8.0' />
                    <Line x='20.0' y='3.6' />
                    <Line x='18.8' y='4.0' />
                    <Line x='20.2' y='-0.4' />
                    <Curve x='10.8' y='-4.2' cx='20.7' cy='-6.2' />
                    <Line x='8.8' y='-4.0' />
                    <Line x='1.3' y='-10.5' />
                    <Line x='0.8' y='-12.0' />
                    <Line x='0.8' y='-14.3' />
                    <Line x='0.8' y='-24.0' />
                    <Line x='0.8' y='-26.0' />
                    <Curve x='18.8' y='-36.0' cx='5.1' cy='-35.7' />
                    <Line x='20.8' y='-36.0' />
                <Glyph code='72' char='H' advance='29.0' bounds='bounds(1.9, -31.5, 27.1, 0.1)'>
                    <Move x='11.9' y='-31.5' />
                    <Curve x='13.9' y='-17.7' cx='4.2' cy='-19.8' />
                    <Line x='15.9' y='-17.5' />
                    <Curve x='24.9' y='-31.4' cx='24.0' cy='-20.4' />
                    <Line x='25.9' y='-31.5' />
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